How I Built a Python Script That Plays Roblox for You

Ryan Kurtz
4 min read1 day ago


If you’ve ever wondered how automation can be used for gaming, let me walk you through the process of building a fun little project — a Python script that plays Roblox for you. Whether you’re walking, driving in-game, or just randomly chatting, this script handles it all. Below, I’ll break down the logic behind the code, how it works, and what challenges I faced during development.

1. Project Overview

The main goal of the script is to automate movement and chat in Roblox. It offers two modes:

  • Normal Mode: Simulates walking, jumping, and chatting.
  • Car Mode: Simulates driving and uses different chat phrases.

This script makes random actions feel more natural by adding randomness to timing and movement. It uses the keyboard library to send key presses to Roblox and includes menu-based mode selection to make it more versatile.

Prerequisites and Setup

To make this work, you’ll need the keyboard library installed. You can install it using this command:

pip install keyboard


  • Make sure you run the script in a terminal while Roblox is open and ready. The program waits five seconds for you to switch to the game window before it starts.
  • This script simulates key presses, so it only works when the Roblox window is active.

3. Code Breakdown

Here’s a summary of the key components of the script:

Menu Selection

The function choose_mode() prompts the user to select between Normal Mode or Car Mode. Depending on the choice, the script behaves differently:

def choose_mode():
print("Choose your mode:")
print("1: Normal Mode (Walking, Jumping, and Chatting)")
print("2: Car Mode (Driving and Chatting)")
mode = input("Enter 1 or 2: ")
return mode.strip()

Normal Mode Actions: Walk, Jump, and Chat

  • walk(): Moves the character in a random direction using WASD keys.
  • jump(): Presses the spacebar to make the character jump.
  • chat_normal(): Sends random chat messages like “What’s a Skibidi Toilet?” to give the appearance of an interactive player.
def walk():
directions = ['w', 'a', 's', 'd']
direction = random.choice(directions)
time.sleep(random.uniform(0.5, 1.5))

Car Mode Actions: Drive and Chat

The driving logic simulates turning and moving forward using specific key combinations, while chat_car() sends car-themed messages to the chat.

def drive():
directions = ['w', 'a', 's', 'd']
direction = random.choice(directions)
if direction in ['a', 'd']: # Turn left or right'w') # Drive forward while turning

4. Adding Natural Randomness

To avoid making the character movements and chat interactions too robotic, I used Python’s random module to:

  1. Randomly select actions (like walking in a specific direction).
  2. Vary the timing between actions and chats.

This randomness makes the script more unpredictable and closer to human behavior.

chat_interval = random.uniform(30, 60)  # Chat every 30-60 seconds
time.sleep(random.uniform(1, 2)) # Random pause between actions

5. Main Logic and Execution Flow

The core logic is structured into two separate while loops — one for each mode. In each loop:

  • Random actions (walking, jumping, or driving) are continuously executed.
  • Chat messages are sent after a random interval of 30–60 seconds (for Normal Mode) or 10–20 seconds (for Car Mode).

Here’s how the main loop works:

if mode == '1':
actions = [walk, jump]
while True:
if time.time() - last_chat_time >= chat_interval:
last_chat_time = time.time()
chat_interval = random.uniform(30, 60)
time.sleep(random.uniform(1, 2))

6. Challenges I Faced

  1. Chat frequency control: I had to introduce a timer mechanism using time.time() to ensure the script doesn’t spam chat too often.
  2. Switching windows: Getting the game window active within 5 seconds can be tricky, but the delay is essential to avoid unwanted key presses in the wrong window.
  3. Ensuring randomness: Using random.uniform() for timing made the script behave more naturally and reduced suspicion from other players in-game.

7. Conclusion and Final Thoughts

This project was a great way to explore how Python can automate tasks even in games. While it’s just a fun experiment, automation like this can be extended to other games and applications. But remember — don’t use automation for unfair advantages in competitive games!

Feel free to modify this script to suit your needs! Maybe add new modes or even more chat interactions. Roblox is a huge playground for creativity, and this project just scratches the surface of what you can do with automation.

8. Full Script Code

Here is the complete code if you want to copy it for your own use:

import keyboard
import time
import random

def choose_mode():
print("Choose your mode:")
print("1: Normal Mode (Walking, Jumping, and Chatting)")
print("2: Car Mode (Driving and Chatting)")
mode = input("Enter 1 or 2: ")
return mode.strip()

print("Starting in 5 seconds... Please switch to Roblox window!")

def walk():
directions = ['w', 'a', 's', 'd']
direction = random.choice(directions)
time.sleep(random.uniform(0.5, 1.5))

def jump():'space')

def chat_normal():
messages = ["Spooky Month!", "What's a Skibidi Toilet?", "I'm Fully Automated!", "Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger!"]
message = random.choice(messages)

def drive():
directions = ['w', 'a', 's', 'd']
direction = random.choice(directions)
if direction in ['a', 'd']:'w')

def chat_car():
messages = ["Vroom Vroom!", "Get Off The Road!", "Robots Driving, Never heard eh?", "I'm in my mom's car, broom broom!"]
message = random.choice(messages)

mode = choose_mode()
last_chat_time = time.time()
chat_interval = random.uniform(30, 60)

if mode == '1':
actions = [walk, jump]
while True:
if time.time() - last_chat_time >= chat_interval:
last_chat_time = time.time()
chat_interval = random.uniform(30, 60)
time.sleep(random.uniform(1, 2))

elif mode == '2':
actions = [drive]
while True:
if time.time() - last_chat_time >= chat_interval:
last_chat_time = time.time()
chat_interval = random.uniform(10, 20)
time.sleep(random.uniform(1, 2))

print("Invalid choice. Exiting the script.")



Ryan Kurtz

writing articles about programming since september 24!